Sponge Homer

Homer H. Hillis, Jr. sponges all kinds of information, business, political and trends. I've been seen on the Sally Jesse Rafeal show with noted trend spotter Faith Popcorn. My Blog will give you an over view of what I'm seeing and reflections on the same.

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Shop @ hhh enterprises! - Search Results
We introduced a line of bamboo buttons. I've been selling these to a fashion designer and she's been doing real well putting them on jackets. I see the natural look coming big this next year. Pass this on to any of your designer friends, we have stock and can ship immediatly.

Yahoo! Movies: Seabiscuit (2003) - Movie Info Last evening Ronda & I went to see Seabiscuit. What a great movie. A story of comebacks and underdogs winning against all odds, I found myself reflecting on what life must have been like to lose everything in the Depression which some of my/your relatives did. If they didn't they were effected since 25% of the population was out of work. The movie made me realize the importance of encouragment by one man who saw more than a horse race--he saw this as reviving a nations spirits.
A+++ movie in my book.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Discussing "failing down" my good friend came to some new conclusions:
Failing Down
You're right, that's negative, a better term would be failing up. This is based on Marian Anderson the great, probably greatest of American singers. Her first big concert was in Carnegie Hall where she failed miserable and totally because she had inadequate preparation.

Her mother told her, Honey, Grace has to come before Greatness, now get to work. When she was denied an appearance before the Daughters of the American Revolution because she was black, Roosevelt arranged for her to sing on the steps of the capitol.

So some failure may be needed to give us the gift of grace.

Anyway, there's a lesson there. I'm tempted to develop a talk on it or even write a book, maybe.

All the best, Ray

It was once said of a friend of mine, " you write the most specific ambigious stuff I've ever read".

"Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles."

Helen Keller
1880-1968, Blind and Deaf Educator

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Bruce and I make a day trip to Lubbock here here our first C1-100,000Watt station. We began picking the signal up in Sweetwater and then by Post it was stopping the scan (in radio world that's STRONG). And in Lubbock it was very strong all over town. Nextmedia who owns 3 other stations leases it from us and is playing, RAP on it. Its not my choice but they call the shots. In fact the station's city of license is Tulia Texas (anything ring a bell with Tulia). They locked up over 30 people on false charges for drugs they happened all to be African Americans and Gov Perry just pardoned them and released them. A lady from the Tulia Chamber called Bruce in protest of the music being played on KBTE, said it was tarnishing the cities image. Now lets think on this one? Tulia just jailed a buch of people on false changes and is now the focus of investigations all over the USA and this is hurting their image? Image is something that I think as been tarnished by a lot more than music.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Yahoo! News - Hindu Pilgrims Stampede in India; at Least 29 Dead
I've seen the "washings" in the Ganges river before, they are massive. Can you imagine 1mln people trying to be baptized at one time? Humans desire GOD, and they'll do just about anything to pursue Him, but the God of the bible is pictured as pursing us. God open the eyes off all your children to your previenent Grace.

I made flight reservations for my first trip to China yesterday, $625rt.

statesman.com At one time in our country the Puritan view of debt prevailed: It was against God's law! The proverb, the debtor is slave to the lendor prevailed. Something has changed. Today debt is soaring both personally and privatly.
What a change of choices? What happened to all the flip charts that Ross Perot
use to show us? How that debt would sifile our economy because government would be borrowing more capital to pay interest? Come back Ross! This time the numbers are staggering up about 50% from the days of Ross' flip charts. With this much debt you'd think all the citizens would have affordable healthcare, but they don't!

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Uvalde Leader News - Newspaper for Uvalde, Texas with Uvalde real estate, news, and entertainment After WWII my dad came back to Uvalde and took a job at the post office, one day he met the county judge out in town and the judge asked him if he'd been deer hunting, and he said no he didn't have a place to hunt. Judge Taylor said go on the river beds the state owns them. So for all his life and all mine we hunted deer, turkey, dove on the rivers until hunting became so commercialized the pressure mounted and they started prosecuting river hunters. In fact my dad and group of men where charged with dove hunting in the river, the case went to trial and they were fined $18/ but the judge threw the case out. Now some 40yrs later they have opened the rivers up to hunting. Talking to my dad tonight,he said no survey lines cross the rivers. The rivers were never titled or granted to anyone but the state. Seems someone has discovered this and given them back to the people.
Happy days are here again!

I like this guys take on Holiday Inn Long term Care. You may have heard about the 91 yr old man who attempted to rob a bank in Abilene the other day. I suppose one could reason, "hey 91 years old and I go to jail and get Free care, why not"?

I just heard on CNN that the average cost for a Nursing Home per day in
the USA is $188!!

Now, I figure it this way, I can get a real nice room at the Holiday Inn
for around $65... that leaves $123 for beer, food (room service), laundry,
Elvis collectibles, gratuities and clothes. They have a swimming pool, some
even have a workout room (therapy), a lounge, cable (recreation), washer
dryer (if I am too impaired, a child or grandchild can pick up my clothes
once a week, or they could rotate, that way everyone would only have to do it
twice a year). Most have free toothpaste and razors, but all have free
shampoo and soap. There may be a bit of a wait to get that first floor room, but that's all right, it takes months to get into some Nursing Homes. There is the Senior bus, the Handicap bus, a Church bus or van, cabs, alert cabs, and in some cities The Duck! You have security and if someone sees you drop over, I am sure they would call an ambulance (if you break your hip, hopefully the
family would be smart enough to sue). What more could you ask for?!
With AARP and other Senior discounts, I could be livin pretty dern nicely.

So, when I reach that Golden age help me keep my grin,
just check my ole rickety body into the nearest Holiday Inn!

Monday, August 25, 2003

Yahoo! News - Lizard Spit Drug Controls Diabetes, Cuts Weight
Exenatide, an experimental diabetes drug derived from lizard saliva, not only controls patients' blood sugar levels but also cuts their weight, its developers said on Monday.
OK the newest weight loss gemic is Lizard Spit, leave it up to the French to come up with this, could be a boom for Az since they have the largest heard of lizard,
I wonder how you get them to salivate? And who collects? What a job?
I'm a lizard saliva collector?

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi

"If you want to succeed , jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions." Ben Franklin

The Influentials is a new book that just hit my summary box:
To persuade the mass
market of customers to buy
your products and services,
you first have to win over the
Influentials. The Influentials
are the most influential
Americans — the 10 percent
of the population who tell
their neighbors what to buy,
which politicians to support,
and where to vacation.
Who are they?
To understand how to reach
Influentials, you first need to
know who they are. According
to Roper's research, the typical
Influential is:
1. Middle-aged, with a
median age of 45.2.
2. Middle to upper class,
with a median household
income of $55,300.
3. College-educated, with 80
percent having attended
4. Married, with 70 percent
in this category.
5. Parents, with 53 percent
having children.
6. Homeowners, with 74
percent owning a home.
7. Employed, with 72
percent in the workforce.
8. Executives or professionals,
with 34 percent in
these occupations.

Pay Pal is one of those things you just can't do without on the Internet. Very innovative!

Herb Stewart my father in law passed this on, very worth reading! What obstacle are you overcoming?
Notice of Copyright Posted:

New York, March 24, 1820:

A baby girl, Frances Jane, is born to a low income family in New York. At six weeks of age she developed a slight cold in her eyes. Her family doctor was summoned, but was out of town. Another doctor came and prescribed hot mustard poultices on her eyes. Her sight was immediately and permanently destroyed (the "doctor" wasn't a doctor, but a quack, and quickly left town).

When Frances Jane reached twelve months, her father John died. Her Mom went to work to support the family while her paternal Grandmother stayed with the baby.

At age five, neighbors, friends, and relatives took up a collection so her Mom could take her to the finest eye doctor of the day, Dr. Valentine Mott. After his examination he stated, "Poor child, I am afraid you will never see again."

Frances Jane did not think she was poor, and the great doctor's words didn't seem to disturb her. But even at five years of age she was disturbed by trying to figure out how she was to get an education.

At age eight she wrote her first recorded poem:

O what a happy soul am I! Although I cannot see,
I am resolved that in this world,
contented I will be.
How many blessings I enjoy,
that other people don't.
To weep and sigh because I'm blind,
I cannot and I won't!

From early on Grandmother read to her constantly, mostly from the Bible. Grandmother also vividly described things of this world and the next to Frances Jane. She became so familiar with the Bible that is said that she could repeat from memory Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Ruth, many of the Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and much of the New Testament!

At age 11 she published her first poem. Just before her fifteenth birthday, the dilemma of how to get an education was solved as her Mom enrolled her in The Institution for the Blind in New York City. At this news, Frances Jane clapped her hands and exclaimed, "O thank God, He has answered my prayer, just as I knew He would." She spent the next 23 years at the school as student and teacher.

In the fall of 1843, when Frances Jane was 23, the school was trying to raise money from the government and sent her to appear before the US Congress. She used her original poems to bring tears to the eyes of John Quincy Adams, Thomas E. Benton, Jefferson Davis, Hamilton Fish, Alexander Stevens, Robert Toombs, Henry A. Wise, and many other notables of the day. As a result of this she began to meet the movers and shakers of her time and knew every US president personally except Washington . . . until her death in 1915. Many of the presidents became her close lifetime friends.

Not too shabby for a poor little blind girl. You've never heard of her? She is commonly know as Fanny J. Crosby. Pick up your hymn book next Sunday and look for her name . . . she wrote over 8,000 poems. Thousands of those poems have become some of our favorite hymns. Seems strange, but evidently Fanny couldn't or wouldn't write the music to turn her poems into songs as every one of them credits the music to someone else . . . even more strange since she was an accomplished piano player.

Fanny's first poem-hymn didn't happen until 1864 at 44 years of age. Some of her songs?

Pass Me Not was her first one to be noticed worldwide and was wrritten after a prison service where she heard one of the inmates cry, "O Lord, don't pass me by!", Safe in the Arms of Jesus (written sometime after the death of her only child who died in infancy . . . she married Alexander VanAlstyne when she was 37 and they lived together as man and wife for 44 years), Rescue the Perishing, Blessed Assurance, To God Be the Glory (this was in an English songbook in 1873 but doesn't seem to occur elsewhere for another 80+ years until it was "discovered" in 1954 and sung by George Beverly Shea and the Billy Graham Crusade Choir in Toronto in 1955), All the Way My Saviour Leads Me, Close to Thee, Saved by Grace, I Am Thine O Lord, Near the Cross, etc. There are hundreds more that most folks recognize immediately . . . just don't have room for them here . . . but each is a sermon and inspiration all by itself.

At age 90 Fanny stated, "My love for the Holy Bible and its sacred truth is stronger and more precious to me at ninety than at nineteen." When asked about her long life, she said the key was that she guarded her taste, her temper and her tongue (hmm . . . I have a little difficulty with all three!). All thru life she could often be heard saying, "Don't waste any sympathy on me. I am the happiest person alive."

Frances Jane Crosby was buried is buried in Mountain Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, Connecticut on February 12, 1915. The songs sung at her funeral were Faith of Our Fathers (her favorite, but not written by her), then two of her own, Safe in the Arms of Jesus and Saved by Grace.

Her gravestone isn't one of the largest around, but on it is carved "She hath done what she could!" (Mark 14: 8) . . . my prayer has long been that a similar epithet could one day be truthfully placed on my own gravestone.

Thru the years I've talked with many folks that the rest of us would consider handicapped. The happy, successful
ones usually don't share our point of view. One summed it up something like this:
"It ain't what you don't have or can't do that matters . . . it's what you will do with what you do have . . ."
Fanny thought like that . . .

This is copyright material complied from various sources and written by by Herb Stewart, Adamsville TN (hlstewart@centurytel.net). None of this material may be used in any way without prior written permission from the author. Said permission and one time use is hereby granted to Homer H. Hillis for web publication.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

This is technology at its finest, you can track a flight anywhere in the world! This happens to be my friend from India: Anand's flight at this very hour, I marvel, you have to type in BA2192 and British Airways but you can literally track any flight in the world with this with up to the minute information!Flight Explorer

Yahoo! News - Study: Red Wine Molecule Shown to Extend Life Now that's great news!

Today I teach Constructive Conflict, one point is to Be more concerened with winning the person than winning the agrument. In this day of constant negative on radio, and the almost wholesale destruction of character I think winning the person is a good idea to follow. Jesus practiced this, in fact he went out of his way to be confrontational and win those who he confronted (even if it stren frack honest conversation). Admitting your own speck and resigning as judge of the world will make for a happier life.

Signing up for our E-Zine makes good sense, every week we send out about 5-6 very creative jewelry designs and the recipes on how to make them.

One of the most exciting products we have launched recently are our beaded watches, I see this as a trend since with a $8 watch face a person can create a very stylish and unique watch that matches her garment or colors.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Take a look at my Ebay store for great savings on overstock items!

I've put some great purses up on Ebay that Anand has and the prices are so low, these are one of a kind pieces.

Tonight we ended the last night of Anand's trip to Abilene with you guessed a cookout, on my new cooker. Streaks,quail, sausage with a Indian style squash dish, Lawrence brought a cajun dish and Jill a winderful summer salad. We ended the evening with a great cigar. Anand leaves tomorrow for London and then to Delhi.

Today Anand wraps up his trip to Abilene/USA and heads back tomorrow to New Delhi via London. Yesterday we had wonderful Indian Curry made with fresh spices and I assisted Anand. The flavor filled the house. Two of my sidekicks came Lawrence Bertsch and Ray King and enjoyed the flavors.Indian food is a unique blend of about 15 spices in each dish. No 2 dishes have the same combination, of course curry is a constant.

My wife Ronda made a keen observation last evening, if California elects Arnold S. it would be ironic that the Terminator would be governor of a state that doesn't believe in the death penalty!

Last evening actor Tony Danza performed at the West Texas Rehab dinner. A great show, highly reccomend it. Tony is a versitle performer.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

One just never knows when someone is really going to make it big in their home town, like being the pilot for Jerry Springer.

Today we had a great meeting of Fronteir Texas board which I serve as a board member. FT will be a 14+million facility showcasing the Abilene are in the 1780-1880. I'll be serving on the Volunteer committee.

I have to be the envy of the world tonght. My Iranian born friend Hossein Canon is cooking Shami a typical Pesian dish-I've had it before and its really good.
And Anand is here, tonight we procured all the ingrediants to cook authenitc Curry Chicken for lunch. I can't imagine what people are like who enjoy bland good. The richness of all these spices is creating a nice aroma in my home.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Shop @ hhh enterprises! Our new webstore is getting rave reviews and all the bugs are being worked out, thanks to Caleb Groom our e-store administrator, as well Janalyn Harrison does a superb job with images. I can see the day when our business will be as much on our e-store as it is in combined sales now. The new look is great and our customers are showing their support!

Nervous Sri Lanka garment workers eye looming China One wonders when all the cheap labor is used up then what? This is just a shuffle to the point of lower prices everyday.

This week my vendor from India comes to Abilene, his 2nd trip. Really looking forward to it. I met him in Milan Italy about 12 yrs ago.

Today is Hannah's 13mo birthday. Wow she is really growing and learning. What a joy to go home and see her everyday.

This week Bruce & I complete our largest radio station, a 100K watt C1 facility to serve the Lubbock market. Last Thursday the 1000' tower( a neck braker) was christened by Bruce and the tower crew in Pettersburg, Texas about 30mi North East of Lubbock. My interest in radio goes back to 1976 when I became a Ham, wireless communication always facinated me-so I tore into radios. My call sign now is: W5HHH(fitting right?) The station will be leased and we will hold the license till they deside to buy it.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger Ready to Debate, Plans TV Ads
I wonder if Warren Buffett will be featured on his Ads? A tightwad multibillionaire endorsing a Austrian Mr. Universe is surely to get
voters attention! Makes for stange bed fellows!

Good going Chairman Powell throw the ball back to Congress, being a broadcaster I understand the idea of universal coverage but broadcasting has changed and we need new rules--I like the new rules the FCC came up with at least its a step in the right direction. More regulation from Congress is not in the best interest of our country.

Did you know that LV Navada has over 178,000 hotel rooms? And they are growing!

Just got back from Las Vegas Navada. 115 degree temperatures, I can only imagine what a power outage would do to this city built on high power slot machines