Sponge Homer

Homer H. Hillis, Jr. sponges all kinds of information, business, political and trends. I've been seen on the Sally Jesse Rafeal show with noted trend spotter Faith Popcorn. My Blog will give you an over view of what I'm seeing and reflections on the same.

Monday, August 25, 2003

The Influentials is a new book that just hit my summary box:
To persuade the mass
market of customers to buy
your products and services,
you first have to win over the
Influentials. The Influentials
are the most influential
Americans — the 10 percent
of the population who tell
their neighbors what to buy,
which politicians to support,
and where to vacation.
Who are they?
To understand how to reach
Influentials, you first need to
know who they are. According
to Roper's research, the typical
Influential is:
1. Middle-aged, with a
median age of 45.2.
2. Middle to upper class,
with a median household
income of $55,300.
3. College-educated, with 80
percent having attended
4. Married, with 70 percent
in this category.
5. Parents, with 53 percent
having children.
6. Homeowners, with 74
percent owning a home.
7. Employed, with 72
percent in the workforce.
8. Executives or professionals,
with 34 percent in
these occupations.


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