2 Great Books that are MUST READ!
Sponge Homer
Homer H. Hillis, Jr. sponges all kinds of information, business, political and trends. I've been seen on the Sally Jesse Rafeal show with noted trend spotter Faith Popcorn. My Blog will give you an over view of what I'm seeing and reflections on the same.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I'm reading The Google Story, Google has its own chef who happened to know the receipe for Elvis Famous Fried Chicken. Check this out: Elvis Chicken
We're having our anual Friendze Managers conference this week in Abilene, I'm always amazed at the creativity in our managers, they always bring some of the best creations with beads and now Friendze is offereing beading classes to show people all the latest in bead technique---
Thursday, January 26, 2006
First National Bank of Wal-Mart!
The Wall Street Journal reported this today
"Wal-Mart officials say the Utah bank would be a back-office processing center, handling debit-card, credit-card and electronic check-transfer payments by customers at its stores. A third party currently processes the transactions -- estimated at 140 million a month -- and bringing the work in-house would save Wal-Mart money. Company officials repeatedly have said they don't plan to establish bank branches. Under current law, these state-chartered banks, many incorporated in Utah, may open branches in more than 20 states and the District of Columbia."
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, its going to be a hot topic in the coming months years. In essence its the a service that delivers to you what you want to read, our website: hhh enterprises has an RSS feed now and you can see all our new products.
Let me tell you about an exciting project that is going on in the Kingdom of God. Several years ago a group of people decided that a easy to read version of the bible was needed for deaf ministeries,they formed World Bible Translation Center, today WBTC has translated the bible into an easy to understand version in 31 languages around the world. Recently a version in Spanish has been completed that speaks to the man on the street--and from that orders are coming in for over 2million copies into central and south America! This version of the bible is one that GOD can and will use to speak His message to millions of people.
I met with WBTC about putting the bible on Mp3 players, its perfect for that--and we are working on some ways to make that a reality.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Do you like good country music, listen to the best of the best on Bruce Campbell's Collection: CountryLegends.com
A good blog is a good story!
Take a listen to this---
Key points:
Main stream media is in love with itself,---Homer's comment: its about to get jerked around and a new game, will emerge!
Not adjusting to the new market space---fast enough!
No new medium ever replaces an old one,---Homer's comments "some shrink out of existence" i.e. telegraph gave way to phones, teletype--
Blogs bring in the eyes and ears of its customers, personally!
Moving from command and control to listen and RESPOND--this is a blog, everyone can be a blogger!
This man wrote Naked Conversations: it's a book about business blogs!
First one really that connects business to blogging.
The Blogosphere helped edit the book!
By using the Blog they have created a word of mouth engine.
Good listen!
Need beads! Check out our Online Bead Store!
I thought he was only a painter?
I like this quote:
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore."
Vincent Van Gogh
1853-1890, Painter
Monday, January 16, 2006
Wind Power Credits! How about this idea?
Tonight I got to attend the MLK dinner in Abilene and listen to Farrah Gray, at age 6 Farrah stated a business and from there he rose to start many more making himself a millionare by the age of 14. What a story?
A great night and the dream of MLK still lives. Farrah's book is a five store!
Read about Farrah Gray!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I'm hooked on Mac's now, I have been "immersed" for 2 days in the largest congratation of Mac evangelist, (how could I not repent and confess my sins) on earth at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco
and its been eye opening.
Here some facts:
* The ipod is the largest most disruptive techology tool to hit this
planet in a long time
* Podcasting is big time disruptive--it makes everyone into a
broadcaster who wants to be--and Mac has simple tools to to that
* if I owned a broadcast network I'd be thinking what do I do NEXT,
the game is changing--its at about a 1-2 yr old level. now.
* I see 100+ Mac users setting around on the floor shooting video
all over the world all day long--and podcasting
* George Lucas and a team of technology gurus in the late 70's with Star wars started all this for film and now its available to the masses--one man said he dreamed of a day when anyone would have the tools to create a movie.
* Google has the largest computer in the world a cluster of over 100,000
* I got a new demo of iLife for Mac and its great---with many easy tools
* Good seminar on digital photography, how depth of view changes things
2 more days
Oh ya, Garageband lets you create your own music and Podcast it to the world
Monday, January 09, 2006
I'm instituting the Sponge Award today, for this year, the person who post the most this year will win a really nice Sponge at the end of the year. Since I do have more than 3 readers I might just give everyone a Sponge this year---for any kind of clean up you might have.
So I want to thank ALL my readers, ALL who are silent or verbal.
A very Merry Orthodox Christmas to you,
Sunday, January 08, 2006
This is a song that has really touched me-Casting Down Crowns recorded it--
It's crowded in worship today
As she slips in
Trying to fade into the faces
The girls' teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know
But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
There is a way
A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat
And quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgemental glances tell him that his chances
Are better out on the road
But if we are the Body
Why arent His arms reaching
Why arent His hands healing
Why arent His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why arent His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the Body of Christ
Chorus (2x)
If we are the body
Why arent His arms reaching
Why arent His hands healing
Why arent His words teaching
And if we are the body
Why arent His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
Jesus is the way
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The BBC reports where my cats came from, I don't see how my cats had enough energy to make the trip.
Modern cats have their roots in Asia 11 million years ago, according to a DNA study of wild and domestic cats.
The ancient ancestors of the 37 species alive today migrated across the globe, eventually settling in all continents except Antarctica, say scientists.
Eight major lineages emerged, including lions, ocelots and domestic cats.
The moggy is most closely related to the African and European wild cat and the Chinese desert cat, an international team reports in Science.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New year my blogger buddies who knows how many maybe all 2 of you--I believe this, "As the Johns Hopkins University foreign affairs specialist Michael Mandelbaum puts it: "The greatest threat to America's role in the world today is not China. It's Medicare."
My dad who is 80 was in the hospital last summer today he's still getting bills from the myriad of doctors who worked with him--one doctor billed him .88 cents. 88 Cents---we are in a medical crisis and its going to get worse:
USA Today recently quoted David Walker, the U.S. comptroller general, as saying we are about to be hit by "a demographic tsunami" that will "never recede." The baby boomers total 77 million, and their first wave turns 60 this year. Unless we trim the Medicare and Social Security benefits promised to these boomers, the paper noted, America's "national debt will grow more than $3 trillion through 2010, to $11.2 trillion. ... The interest alone would cost $561 billion in 2010, the same as the Pentagon [budget]."